Not much time to write on this busy August day, but I thought you might enjoy seeing a few of the shots we took late yesterday on a visit with friends to Thuya Garden, one of the gems of Mount Desert Island. The hilltop garden has been around for more than half a century, and I doubt it has ever looked much better than it did yesterday. This is just a small taste of what we saw.
Flies aren't as beloved as bees, but both are pollinators.
Can you identify the parts of this lily?
This lily is named for a sports star who is returning to action (see next photo)...
...yes, it's a Tiger Woods lily.
Another chance to identify the parts of a lily...
The garden is filled with striking patterns.
From the sublime to the ridiculously sublime...
A portion of Thuya Garden as seen through a spiky solar system of globe thistle.
The door-like gates to Thuya are covered with exquisite nature carvings. The gates are one of Pamelia's favorite works of art on Mount Desert Island.