Happy Thanksgiving to all from Craig, Pamelia and The Naturalist's Notebook. As you can see from the photo, the wild turkeys are still in residence at our house. It has been interesting to watch over the last few days as one of them, a male, started displaying (see photo below) and also changed color around his face as he apparently decided it was breeding season. His face became bluer and his snood (the flap of skin that hangs over his beak), his wattle (that dangly piece under his beak) and his caruncle (a growth on his neck) turned much redder. All of those things are the result of increased blood flow caused by either romance or distress (which of course often go together).
Tom knows how to turn up the tail and turn on the charm.
Snood, Wattle and Caruncle would have been a good name for a law firm in the Harry Potter series, don't you think?
Yes, this really is pumpkin-pie soda. It's a Maine product, and we plan to try it with our, um, roast turkey.
A reminder to all that we plan to open the Notebook on Friday and Saturday of this week and Saturday of next week. Stop in to say hi!