Greetings again from Sochi. It's kind of busy here (men's downhill starts shortly), so I don't have much time to write. But here are a few shots from my four hours inside Fisht Stadium for the Opening Ceremony on Friday night. And a few other sights.
True to the half-built spirit of these Games, the Main Press Center sprung a leak right above the desk of Frank, our techie. He put up a makeshift roof. Meanwhile, one of our writers was trapped in his fifth-floor hotel room for several hours yesterday morning when the door handle pulled off from the inside and no one was at the front desk to come up and let him out. Perhaps you've seen the photo of the Olympic Village bathroom door a U.S. athlete kicked his way through in order to escape in a similar situation.
A few minutes ago I scored a rare Kazakhstan pin. Given the news that the country's autocratic leader is considering dropping the stan from the end of his nation's name because he's tired of his land getting confused with other, in his view, inferior countries that end in stan, this pin could become a collector's item.