Welcome to opening day at the 2012 Naturalist's Notebook! Here's a quick batch of photos from this morning. This is just a tiny taste. Much more to come...
We couldn’t quite fit an 80-foot blue whale skeleton inside the building, but we’re thrilled to have a harbor porpoise, on loan from Allied Whale.
Our new egg-laying chicken, which clucks when it plunks an egg into the dish.
Millie the milkable cow is back, along with our spin-the-wheel, answer-the-questions Farm Game.
Some early visitors, explorers and customers.
A portion of our Bernd Heinrich art installation.
Tigers are but one of the endangered species we highlight in shop-and-think displays.
Artists will find much to like.
Pick up your bird checklist and try to find the 45 species we’ve perched throughout our three floors.
As I say, this is just a small sampling—and doesn't include major elements such as our amazing 13.7-billion-year, spectral-color, timeline staircase. Stay tuned...